First impressions of arriving in Thailand were very positive:
To start with, a very colourful plane from Bangkok Airlines got us here:
And once we arrived at Kho Samui airport, a rather different kind of airport bus picked us up from the plane:
We are staying in some basic bungalows in Maenam on the North coast of the islands. The bungalows are amongst thick rainforest vegetation and right on a very beautiful sandy beach:
The first few days we were busy getting settled in and buying the key things.
Unfortunately, the fact that it is beautiful here is no longer a secret. Many mosquitoes have also heard about it and are joining us here. Despite lots of layers of anti-insect stuff, our legs look like a dot-to-dot drawing without the numbers...
Life here is basic, quiet and very relaxing. It's very hot here and so we are spending most of the time in the bungalow or on the beach.
Just the right place to let all the many impressions from the last few weeks settle in...
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