
Friday, 27 August 2010

Back home again

And here it is, the final entry to this blog about our big trip - with the good news right upfront:

We all arrived safely back in London!

A lot has happened in the 85 days since we left London. In fact, it feels like we went straight from Spring (when we left London at the end of May) to Autumn, as it is currently rather cold, grey and rainy here. Or is it just the proverbial "British Summer" that's welcoming us back?!

Therefore rather than sending you a depressing image of rainy London, we thought, we'd finish this blog of our big trip with a nice SUNNY slideshow with some more images from our time in Bangkok a few days ago:

Bangkok Impressions

We hope you enjoyed reading this blog as much as we did putting it together. And, who knows, perhaps it made you curious about seeing some of the places we visited for yourself.

If you want any more infos about any of these places just give us a shout. Ah, there are also many, many more photos, which we would be only to happy to share with you... :-)

The final photo on this blog shows us rather appropriately in front of a display about around-the-world travelling from the Museum of Air & Space in Washington DC (...only that it took us 85 days rather than 18):

Hope to see you all again in person soon.

Till then...

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